Interested in what's happening at Atmósferas Planetarias Terrestres research group and other related groups. News and Events are posted here regularly to keep out you updated about what is going on.
We have completed the analysis of 3 full Mars Years of solar occultation measurements with NOMAD on board the Trace Gas Orbiter (TGO). The data reveal interesting features of the H2O distribution and variability.

An ISSI project 2023-2025

CAIRT, an Earth Explorer 11 candidate mission in which GAPT is involved, has been selected by the European Space Agency as one of the two mission concepts going into Phase A

Analysis of the observations by the CARMENES instrument has provided new insights into the aerosol presence in distant gas giants.

Dr. Bernd Funke, member of the GAPT, was selected as vice-president of SCOSTEP during the last General Assembly of the IUGG held in Berlin:

Escape y evolución de la atmósfera de Marte combinando análisis del cociente D/H medido por la misión TGO/Exomars con simulaciones físicas del clima marciano

The temperature and composition derived from the data obtained during the first year of operation of the NOMAD instrument have been retrieved and analyzed by the IAA NOMAD team in a series of papers published in JGR: Planets.
Link to the paper about temperatures (López-Valverde et al., JGR-Planets 2022)
Link to the paper about CO density (Modak et al., JGR-Planets 2022)
Link to the paper about H2O density (Brines et al., JGR-Planets 2022)

The Group of Terrestrial Planetary Atmospheres ( of the Instituto de Astrofísica de Andalucía (IAA/CSIC) seeks to appoint a motivated post-doctoral researcher to work in its ongoing projects on the atmosphere of Mars.

First detection of stratopause jumping more than 25 km in height during Autumn at the North Pole.
Link to Geophysical Research Letters paper (García-Comas et al., GRL, 2020)

We show that a method commonly used to derive temperatures in the upper atmosphere of Mars produces too hot temperatures.
Link to Icarus paper (González-Galindo et al., Icarus, 2021)