Manuel López Puertas
Permanent Research Professor
- Leader of the GAPT Group.
- Co-PI of the ISAMS/UARS, SABER/TIMED and NOMAD/TGO isntruments.
- Member of the ESA MIPAS Science Advisory Group.
- Expertise on Non-LTE modeling of IR planetary atmospheric emissions.
- Member of the International Radiation Comission (IRC)
- Publication of 1 book on non-LTE co-authored with Prof. F. W. Taylor, and more than 170 articles in reviewed journals. h-index: 38
- Research interests: Climate change of the middle/upper atmosphere; Effects of solar (radiation and particles) on climate; Exo-atmospheres.
- Group Achievement Award to the TIMED Team conferred by NASA in 2008.
- AGU Editors’ Citation for Excellence in Refereeing- JGR-Space Physics, 2015.

+ 34 958 230 507
puertas [at]
Publications: Search for "Puertas" in the "IAA-CSIC Author" tab in the link below