Exploitation of the Mesosphere (MesosphEO)
This project is an answer to European Space Agency’s (ESA) invitation to tender ESA/AO/1-7759/14/SB-NC, Exploitation of the Mesosphere (MesosphEO) with the Finnish Meteorological Institute (FMI) as the prime contractor. The aim is to provide the atmospheric science community a comprehensive data set of Level 2-3 and merged mesospheric data products covering a time period of at least 10 years from satellite instruments aboard the Envisat (GOMOS, MIPAS, SCIAMACHY), the Odin (OSIRIS, SMR), and the SCISAT (ACE-FTS).
MesosphEO is a science-driven project, it serves as preparation and support for possible future mesospheric work, e.g., in the lines of the ESA Climate Change Initiative (CCI) projects on Essential Climate Variables (ECV). The MesosphEO activity was financed between 2014–2017 by the STSE Programme of the European Space Agency.
The main output of the project are the updated data products which have improved quality and stability and are optimized for mesospheric research. We are providing altogether 14 individual product species from six satellite instruments, including O3, greenhouse gases, and temperature. These include several new data products from the GOMOS and SCIAMACHY instruments. In addition, we provide merged data sets of H2O and temperature for, e.g., long-term trend studies. These data sets typically cover the whole mesosphere with a time span of more than 15 years, starting from 2001 with the data from the OSIRIS and SMR instruments. All the data are provided through the projects web page in a common NetCDF4 format, following the ESA O3-CCI guidelines, together with Algorithm Theoretical Basis Documents, Product Specification Documents, and a Validation Report.
In addition to the data products, the project has produced a number of mesospheric reviews and surveys, a User Requirement Definition document to guide future meso- spheric satellite missions, a study addressing the challenges in creating merged, multi- instrument data sets of mesospheric species, and a number of peer-reviewed, scientific publications.
More details at: http://mesospheo.fmi.fi
Public MIPAS database: http://share.lsdf.kit.edu/imk/asf/sat/mesospheo/data/L2/
GAPT members involved:
Bernd Funke
Maya García Comas
Manuel López-Puertas